Why Sisters Empowerment Network, Inc. work with battered women in jail? Women who are battered by their partners are everywhere – and that includes in our local jail. Unfortunately, in many communities, jailed women are quite invisible, even too many battered women’s organizations.
Why do we want to do this work? For one reason, the needs of women in jail are usually enormous, and incarcerated women rarely get the assistance they need and deserve, as is true for many other survivors of battering. Additionally, we believe that Sisters Empowerment Network, Inc. can be a very important and vital resource for battered women in jail.
Working with women in jail can be complicated and difficult. Since the women have open criminal charges or are serving sentences (and still may have open legal issues), the stakes are high. Our goal for doing this work will encourage and guide us in thinking about ways of being thoughtful and strategic about how we approach our work with battered women in jail.
As is often true with difficult work, advocating on behalf of battered women in jail also can be extremely rewarding. It is our hope that working with these women – and witnessing some of the injustices and daily indignities they experience – we hope our work will help change their lives and help us think differently about people charged with crimes, the criminal legal system, and prisoners; furthermore, our goal is to help foster change in our attitudes and beliefs. This include:
To oppose violence in the lives of women
To promote women’s safety
To increase justice
To promote healing from violence
Battered women in jail are extremely vulnerable, whether they are awaiting trial or have been sentenced. They live in an environment that is focused on keeping the outside community “secure” from them, not on providing them with an environment that is safe and secure.
In fact, many women report that jail replicates their experiences of battering:
They are isolated
Their every movement is examined
Their individual identities are crushed
They are under the control of others whose primary concern is exerting power and control
They are blamed for their own victimization
They are humiliated
They are not safe
Battered women in jail need help to heal from the experience of battering and from the pain and trauma of incarceration. They deserve justice and they need safety. We believe that our work can be an important part of their journey to find justice and safety.
As a result, Sisters Empowerment Network, Inc. Inc. offers bi-monthly support groups on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month for women who are incarcerated in the Clayton County Jail. This group offers open, educational discussions that provide information on identifying abuse, patterns of abuse, why women stay, effects of abuse, healthy relationships, and self-care.
After women are released from the Jail, we offer additional services for these incarcerated women which include:
Confidential one-on-one discussions
Information and referrals for community resources
Information and referrals about services provided by Sisters Empowerment Network, Inc.
Safety planning after release
If you are interested in becoming a volunteers for our Working with Battered Women in Jail Initiative, please contact our office at 770.909.0376 for more details.
Please note that volunteers must submit to a background check and most complete 8 hrs. of mandatory training.